150+ Infographic Submission Websites
- Shailendra Kadulkar
- 13 May, 2024
The idea of infographic submission picked up extensively during the past few years, thanks to the multitude of benefits it presents. Today, you may find as high as 150 plus infographic submission sites which eventually offer you a lot of choice to decide those which highly benefit you. If you want to know about the free infographic submission sites and the advantages they present, this post is helpful.
As is clear from the word “infographic”, it combines information and graphics, and this combination when creatively used generates an interesting and engaging presentation for the readers.
Infographics submission has emerged as an outstanding strategy in terms of SEO and most digital marketers follow it today. Looking to the benefits of this strategy, which appear in the form of high-quality backlinks production, larger exposure to audience, etc. it will get even more popular even more.
However, this is an off-page SEO strategy and its prime focus earning backlinks. Talking about it as a strategy, you can look forward to obtain backlinks and expect good traffic on your website. However, you need to be extremely creative and use captivating graphics to generate inforagphics. So, getting an expert who is good in creating infographic and is expert is also part of strategy.
When you generate your infographic and recheck that it is complete and ready from all standpoints, it is ready for submission. You may pick one infographic submission website or multiple sites and submit your infographic. This is the simple process involved here.
Among all the popular advantages, one is that it’s an artistically generated visual representation of the topic you want to present. Even the most complex data gets simplified when presented in the form of an infographic. You can share the content on social to earn more popularity.
They are less costly and you can take your content to millions through social media channels. Make infographic generation and submission a mandatory part of your marketing strategy; the traffic will flow unimaginably.
Before logging in to one of the best free infographic sites, it is important that you do the submission the right way. First, chose a submission website from the list of websites they and check content for quality and relevance. Give your files a relevant name so that they are easy to find.
Your infogaphic should go for submission only after checking that all useful and important information has been covered in it. Here, you first need to ensure that the infrographic has catchy graphics and also if the content is of low quality and is deviated from the topic, people are not less likely to read it.
Some popular and highly used sites for infographic submission are myspace.com, pinterest, flickr, twitter, behance, photo bucket, etc. Whichever submission site you use, you must pay attention that high quality backlinks are included in your infographic and that it is impressive enough.